User Posts: Ludacris

Noise cancelling headphones or noise isolation earmuffs are a great way to reduce the sound levels of lawn mower they make while cutting the grass. Many ...

Most people need a quiet and relaxing environment to focus on any task. When it comes to people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the need for quiet ...

An effective solution for auditory sensory overload is to avoid noise, but is it possible? Can anyone avoid places like subways, train stations, schools, ...

Construction sites are vibrant orchestras of machines: chainsaws roaring at up to 120db, bulldozers and jackhammers thundering between 85-115db, and a chorus ...

Bluetooth earbuds are one of the recent additions to the must-have gadget list, and while they may sound like an item for youngsters, they come bearing many ...

Do you ever find yourself sitting in the middle of a crowded cafe, and still want to listen to your favorite song? Or maybe you're on public transportation ...

Are you tired of those pesky wires and cords getting tangled up in your pocket or purse? I know I am, so these are the perfect solution. These earbuds come ...

Wireless earbuds are rapidly becoming the norm, with more and more people ditching their old wired headphones for the new technology. Gone are the days of ...

If you've ever been to a concert or attended any kind of event where music is playing loudly and you were wearing earplugs, then chances are that the sound ...

Looking for the best true wireless earbuds for Android? We have you covered. Whether you're looking to upgrade from your current Bluetooth headphones or just ...

Browsing All Comments By: Ludacris
Headphone Savvy